J & J Electrical Contractors case is an example of a small regional family business that has found a way to compete with larger and more comprehensive electrical contractors in the industry and be successful. The company currently manages a husband and wife team, John and Jean Abernathy, with John serving as CEO and CFO Jean. Abernathys took the company until 2005 revenues $ 5.22 million, up 75.2% compared to revenues of $ 2.98 million in 2001. However, despite an increase in revenues, profits led to a decline in the last four years. The case describes the electrical contracting industry, type of work done by the firms in the industry and the forces in the industry, such as the high cost of homes, particularly in Southern California, the increase in demand for renovation and further increase the cost of electricity and the price of metals, many of which have crucial in the implementation of electrical work contracts. Abernathys it ends the need to improve the deteriorating profitability of the company, and a number of possible future directions of the company could take to achieve this goal. The case benefits from extensive interviews and full access to the company and its executives. Some excerpts from the interview with them give a good account of what it is like managing a small growing company. The case will challenge the students to integrate the industry and competitive dynamics of the regulatory requirements of the market and to develop a set of decent strategic alternatives to help restore the profitability of the flag J & J in. "Hide
Olukemi by Sawyer, Stanley Abraham Source: North American Case Research Association (NACRA) 18 pages. Publication Date: January 15, 2008. Prod. #: NA0023-PDF-ENG