JetBlue, precedently viewed as among the best airlines (if not the best) for customer service, took wide-ranging disapproval from the public, press, and Congress. In addition, the disruptions due to the storm cost the company over $41 million. The 2007 deluge highlighted want in the functional infrastructure of JetBlue. Some top-down changes were made, but disruption due to thunderstorms in summer 2008 illustrated that the airline's ability to handle guerrilla operations (IROPs) was woefully insufficient.
JetBlue Airways A New Beginning Case Study Solution
This was done through process mapping, root cause analysis, and cross-discipline co-operation working on 100 endeavors to improve both technology and procedures. At JFK, an ice storm much inferior than the 2007 event again interrupted operations in February 2010. This time, the airline had to withdraw much fewer flights, which were mainly done before passengers arrived operations the next day, at the airport, and the cost was a little fraction of the cost of the 2007 disruption. This case describe the IROP Integrity job-its origins, the job of executive sponsors, project leadership and organization, and the processes used to identify and execute improvement projects. Additionally, it describes the legacy of IROP Integrity on customs and the JetBlue organization.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about LEADERSHIP & MANAGING PEOPLE