Crowdsourcing by TopCoder business model in which software is developed through online tournaments, are presented. The case shows how the TopCoder has created a unique two-way innovation platform, consisting of the world community over 225,000 developers who compete to write software modules for more than 40 clients. Provides detailed information about the unique platform where Inovation software package developed in the framework of current online competitions. By outlining the evolution of the company, the problem of creating and updating web community platform competition illustrated. Experiences and perspectives with TopCoder community members and customers to help show what it means to work within or in collaboration with the Internet community. In the case of distributed innovation and its potential benefits as a corporate solution mechanism discussed. issues related to scalability TopCoder, profitability and growth are also studied. “Hide
by David Garvin Source: Supplement 4 minute video. Publication Date: 03 Oct 2011. Prod. #: 312709-VID-ENG
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