In the early 1980s, the Ford Foundation, among other donors, will help create a new type of organization designed to fund the renewal of old, the interior of the city, both as a result of renovation of housing and other investments. Local Initiatives Support Corporation will not carry out the projects themselves, but, instead, will serve as a bank, choosing among the proposals submitted by the non-profit development organizations. LISC but did not make any unconditional grants. Instead, he wanted to make sure - and those who provide its capital - that it was making a profit on their investment. When a team of consultants called in to measure the return on investment LISC, he must first consider how such a return could even be defined. If LISC consider only the financial data in respect of repayment is he doing? Or if it considers the effect of catalyzing the organizations it supports to the surrounding areas? As this effect should be measured? HKS Case Number 1370.0 "Hide
by Alexander von Hoffman, Peter Zimmerman 3 pages. Publication Date: January 1, 1997. Prod. #: HKS614-PDF-ENG