IRB Application The case solution
- Title: Factors affecting employee retention
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Research Risk
- Do the research possess any risk for the participants (No)
- Does the research contain any criminal participant (No)
- Review Level: Except Level 2
General study Information
Funding: University Finding
Research Summary
A. Introduction & Background
Having skilled employees allows the company to achieve its goals and helps it in competing globally (Hiltrop 1999). The insurance industry does not require any particular education or job skills, but lack of skills in the employees can affect the industry. So it is important for the companies to revive their strategies in order to retain the employees in the insurance companies (Johansdottir, Olaffson, & Davidsdottir, 2014).
Leaders of insurance industry claim that it is becoming difficult for companies to retain their employees (Johansdottir et al., 2014). In insurance companies; turnover is increasing, which is affecting the profitability and business productivity. So main issue that companies found is the lack of employees’ retention strategies in the industry.
Research Question
This research will explore the factors that affect the employees’ retention in the company.
- Do the supervisor support and employee retention have a positive relation?
- Do the job satisfaction and employee retention have a positive relation?
- Do the salary & rewards and employee retention have a positive relation?
- Do the career development opportunities and employee retention have a positive relation?
H1= Supervisor support has a positive and significant effect on employees’ retention.
H2= Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employees’ retention.
H3= Salary & rewards has a positive and significant effect on employees’ retention.
H4= Career development opportunities have a positive and significant effect on employees’ retention.
Provide scholarly reason for the study background
Human capital is a very essential investment for the companies and there is a huge cost associated with the human capital in the organization. Acquiring and retaining the employees in the organization is important, because retaining human capital allows the company to maintain the business and its competitive edge in the industry. (Singh, Dev, & Mandelbaum, 2014)
Study objective
In order to determine the factors which significantly influence the employees to retain or leave the organization; we will first examine the factors that are affecting the employees’ retention through available literature and then we will investigate the impact of those factors in effect to the insurance industry inthe USA.
The study is based on mono method research, because that is the only quantitative research and the collected data will be run on SPSS software and Correlational Analysis will be conducted in order to reach the conclusion that which factor affects most on the employees’ retention in the insurance companies.The research has selected primary data which will be collected through structured questionnaire, measured by 5 point Likert scale.
Research Population and recruitment
The research population is the employees from the insurance industry
Informed consent procedure
- We have made a separate consent form for the participants to fill and we have made sure that their participation is willful and volunteered.
- To ensure the confidentiality of the participants; we have not used their names.Participants’identities arehidden in order to maintain the privacy of employees.
Research Sites
- We are conducting this research on any site (Yes/No) No
Research assistant
Research Assistant Name..................................
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