Ions Consulting: The Mp^2 Training Program Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Ions Consulting: The Mp^2 Training Program Case Study Solution

Set Standards:

Success of the program can be measured by setting standards, which is that employees must have to perform at this level. If the employees perform according to the standard key success level of the program.

Performance Evaluation:

Another way to measure the success is to evaluate the performance of the employees who attend the training. Performance should be evaluation on weekly and monthly basis. Performance should be measure in a way that how efficient are the employees’ work on project as well as satisfaction level of the clients. Performance measure that how many task are perform by the employees in a day or in a week or how much time the employees take to complete a particular task or project.

Likelihood of Attending Training Session:

Another way to measure the success is to measure the Likelihood of Attending Training Session which is willingness to attend the training. Likelihood of Attending Training Session shows the satisfaction level as well as motivation of employee.

Increase Productivity:

Increasing productivity is the key performance indicator in the success of any program. By implementing the program the employees should provide a quality work which satisfy the customer and helping them to retain. Productivity should be increased in such way that the employees perform task or project less than the required time.

Ways to Gain Employees’ Acceptance

Loons can gain the acceptance of the employees by providing them additional rewards and benefits over their fixed rewards. On the basis of performance he provides incentives to their employees. Take suggestions from the employees and do revisions according to the employees to their suggestions. To ensure the employees that MP^2 program enhanced their knowledge, skill and quality of work. Motivate and encourage the employee by providing attractive benefits.Provide awareness about the benefits of the program. Realize them that their growth is directly linked to the organizational growth if the team perform well than the organization grow and reputation of the organizations grow which ultimately affect their reputation in the market. Each employee should be awarded a certain number of credits based on their contributions and the complexity of the task.

This is not enough to convince the board to deploy the MP^2 Program company-wide because the board of directors are the decision makers of the organization while implementation of the decision is depend upon the employees who work in the organization so the employees of the company also have to be convinced in order to implement the program company wide. If the employees reject this program the program will never work because they are not motivated and encourage to work on this program. Acceptance of the program by the employees increased the job satisfaction which ultimately effects on the performance of the employee as well as the performances of the company, reduces the turnover rate, which increases the efficiency of the organization and reduces its cost.


On the basis of above facts and figures it is concluded that MP^2 Program is a good program but it need some revisions such as company has to provide a separate training program so that the newcomer’s in the company make familiar with the firms policy and procedures regarding the work so to make the inexperience employee more efficient while performing their task. While the separate training session allow the seniors to more focus on their current projects. To make this program accepted throughout the company, the HR manager has to provide the additional benefits to the senior as well as junior employees in order to encourage the employees to work with this program which increase the performance of the company as well to decreases the employee turnover rate. In the last company should have to measure some standards and key performance indicators that the program is effectively implemented all over the organization as well as cost effective, and takes timely feedback and do timely amendment in the program for better growth, success and to retain their competitive position in the market as well as gaining attracting financial benefits.


Appendix-1: Suggested Revisions

Appendix-2: Revised Benefits


Appendix-3: Success Program Evaluation

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