Maintaining and incorporating such a complicated network of individuals and organizations were difficult; it had taken over a decade and thousands of hours of meetings.
Problems like the enduring availability of funding and direction turnover still threatened the effectiveness of the collaboration and the economical recession would almost certainly influence future direction team determinations. Additionally, Dolores Bretti, the longstanding Head Start Education Supervisor, was set to retire. Future challenges, including Bretti's retirement and declining budgets, would require many more hours of collaborative options and meetings. Invest Early Director Jan Reindl believed that she and the Leadership Team members were ready for anything, but wondered how a different operating environment and new personalities would influence Invest Early. What would must change? What should remain the same? How could all Invest Early and the Leadership Team be prepared for it?
PUBLICATION DATE: April 15, 2009 PRODUCT #: 309089-PDF-ENG
This is just an excerpt. This case is about LEADERSHIP & MANAGING PEOPLE