Introduction To Marketing Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Introduction To Marketing Case Study Analysis

Social Media Marketing

It is highly recommended for the company to adopt social media marketing tools, which require less cost and establishment of social linkages with the end customers. In addition to this, with the help of social media marketing, the company could approach niche markets with a focused interaction.(Ch 15, Topic Social Media).  Furthermore, the company should use the following digital marketing tools:

  • Online Marketing: It would require the establishment of online websites for the product’s sale. The customer could easily approach the link in order to place his or her order.
  • Mobile Marketing: This approach will enable the customer to buy the products online by using their phones and installing shopping apps.
  • Online Advertising: This online advertising includes the advertisements, which would appear at the screen of the customers when they search or browse any data.
  • Viral Marketing: This approach will enable the company to approach a number of customers, by posting an attractive selling video.(Ch 15, Topic Viral Marketing).
  • Email Marketing: This tool will require to send the purchase offers to the customers via emails. (See appendix 2)


It is concluded that digital direct marketing approach is effective, because it would enable the company to attract more customers and boost its sales. This online forum would be considered as a strong source for business, under this global pandemic situation. In addition to this, the company is highly recommended to adopt social media marketing tools, which require less cost and establishment of social links with the end customers. Technology would enable the company to have a fast and direct contact with its customers, for which the company would require a proper social networking with the help of specialized IT professionals..............................


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