International Organ Marketing Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


Human organ transplantation over the past 15 years has generated much controversy about the legal definition of life and death, ownership of the body, role of government and international markets, relationship of the individual to the state. Under the U.S. National Organ transplant act (NOTA) 1984 any individual convicted of buying and selling of organs was sentenced to five years of prison or hefty fine. In accordance to the federal law, it is strictly illegal to sell an organ.

More than 105,000 people are on waiting list for a donated organ, but there are only 15,000 people get the donors each year. There is a high demand for an organ in the international market which creates opportunity for the people who want to sell their kidney, the lopes of lungs or other part of the body.

As a result of the national organ transplant act most of the U.S. citizens have lost their lives waiting for an organ transplant. The law almost banned all the non-medical payment sectors to living organ donors such as government, insurance companies or charitable trust, or import from international market.

According to the Journal of the American Society of Neurology the giving cost of the organ is $5000 to as much as $20000. Majority of the U.S. citizens cannot afford such expenses. U.S. census indicates that only 8% of the population can afford to spend $5000.

According to the department Health and Human Services, about 18 U.S. citizens die while waiting for an organ.However, the people who buy kidney in black market are characterized as Wealthy westerns harvesting the organs of the people, but the reality is that they are somehow saving the lives of the patients who are waiting for a transplant.

The amount of money paid for the organ or money paid to the people who sold the organ in the United States is $120,000. Veloxis Pharmaceuticals Company that transplant human organ in U.S.

World health Organization estimates 10,000 black market internationally operates involves human organ takes place each year. Kidney considered as 75% of the global illicit trade in organs. International demand for replacement of kidneys are at the rising trend.

A market that leads United States is Global Organ Transplants. Organ development started in 1954 performed at Brigham and Women’s hospital in Boston.Majority of the kidney transplant comes from parents, relatives or siblings. The rest comes from the individuals who want to help others that are in need of kidney.

Few countries have allowed open market of purchase and sell of the organ, but Iran permits the sale of the kidney by living donors. The amount of the paid to the kidney donor is $4000.

Buying and selling of the organ in the global market becomes an ethical issues everywhere.

Selling organ in U.S. is against the law. According to the Act passed in 1984, human organs cannot be exchanged something of monetary values. The government should start working on the surgery and research on humans to protect their organ, despite of replacing their organs.


Since the 1980s introduction of the highly effective organ transplant has emerged as an important method in saving and sustaining life of the individuals of kidney, liver, lungs or heart failure. In recent years, uses for transplanting the body parts have grown and diversified very rapidly. There is an increasing demand in obtaining organs have failed to produce an adequate supply. However, one way to supplement the present system is to develop a market for human body. Growing organ shortage make a commercial market inevitable.

International Organ Marketing Case Solution

Under the U.S. National Organ transplant act (NOTA) in 1984, any individual convicted of buying and selling of organs was illegal. It was strictly prohibited according to the federal law.In 2012, 95000 U.S. citizens were on the waiting list of new kidney. According to the recent health care system growing and increasing waiting time of individual who badly need the organ has not been addresses in U.S. The life expectancy rate in U.S. is low as compared to others. Therefore,finding way to increase supply of organ can reduce the life and death rate of the individuals. The U.S. government should provide hope for the people. It is recommended to the U.S. health care system establishing a market of human organ transplant and provide compensation to people who give their organs.(Opelz G, 1999)....................

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