This May 2009 interview, a professor at Harvard Business School and SSRN Chairman Michael Jensen defines integrity, "explains how it differs from the morality and ethics, and argues that the effect is much the integrity of behavior more damage than most of us believe. He explains that people are not the only ones that can have integrity: objects and systems can have it, too - in fact, they can only get the best performance, while maintaining integrity. He describes the difference between the integrity of the design, implementation integrity and the integrity of use. Reflecting on the 2008-09 financial crisis, the author says that put the economic system in order deceptively simple: "People need to begin to observe their words if they do, trust materializes almost instantly.».
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by Michael C. Jensen, Karen Christensen Source: Rotman School of Management, 5 pages. Publication Date: September 1, 2009. Prod. #: ROT088-PDF-ENG