The props arethe way to attract the customers and attain the attention towards a particular event or product.Suchprops includesaleflyers or balloons in the stores, which makesthe customer aware of the event and also directs them to visit such section, leading to sales.These props are basicallyunusualattention in the store to influence the customers into trying the product.
Since ecommerce hasbecome a main source or medium of sales of the brand, the brand tries to compete on certaininformationtactics such as free delivery to influencecustomer purchase behavior.Since in Uniqlo, a free delivery is offered on orders above 60 dollars, such triggers the customers to purchase morein order to attain free deliveryand henceincrease the order size,making it profitable for thecompany as it covers the cost of operations.
In Japan, the companycollaborates with MacDonald’s to offercertain discounts to thecustomer.Such cross selling strategy is adoptedbythe brand as Japanesecustomers look for value for money.Though the disposableincome is adequate, however, they look for feasible options thatoffer a two way value.Hence, such collaboration makes it easy for the brand to triggerand influence sales. (Empson, 2008)
Integrated Marketing communication Harvard Case Solution & Analysis
The emergence of digital media such as Whatsapp, Facebook andInstagram has made the fashion industry more active and engaging.It has made thebrandsin the fashion industry to sell through the channelsand offerlive coverage of the productthrough the channel, ensuing theneed to reach the physical stores.Such on one hand, increases the customer engagement while onthe otherhand, reduces the costof acquisition.
In addition to this, the global competition and integration hasreduced the brand uniqueness in the market due to the fact that, such integration hasmade a large array of products available to the customers, reducing the value proposition of thebrand and hence,reducing the bard parity.
However, such integration also allowsthe brand to increase its brandparity ina new market since globalization allows itto enter into a new market to capture more opportunitiesandcapitalize the untapped market needs.
Lastly, brands, especially in the fashion industry has developeda two way strategy to engagewith thecustomers. This hasbeen due to the increasedcompetitionin which,maintaining the customerloyalty hasbecomedifficult.However,activeengagement with the customers allow the organization to understand thechangingin customer needs andalso allows it to maintain the interest of the customer with the brand,leading to moreretainedcustomerbase and hence,loyalty.
Apart from the above trends, gender complexity has alsotransformed the trends ofthemarket.In sucha situation,certainbrands and roles are totally associatedwith gender.
For example: A cooking oil will always target a female audience by showing a female in cooking advisement.It is due to thefact thatsuch decision for food is solelymade by females.Moreover, the economic condition and availability of disposable income firmly drives the sales of the brand.For example:
In emerging markets such as India, the increase in disposable income and economic stability has increased the middleclassratioin the market thathas ultimately increased the consumption and thus, has ultimately created new market opportunity for the global and thelocalbrands. (Hart, 1998)
Challenge Mitigation
Hence, in order to mitigate the challenges, the organization needs to take active feedback from thecustomerandshould observe the market trends. This is due to the fact that such will allowthe organization to understand the changing customer needs and incorporatethem easily into the brandofferings, keeping it ahead of competition, leaving no untapped market areas andcustomer needs............
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