In the spring of 2005, Candace Browning, head of Global Research Securities and Economics at Merrill Lynch, has about 500 Merrill Lynch analysts around the world in a joint effort to create an innovative research, most of them are used to working independently in their regions and areas examination. Less than five years earlier, analysts expressed little or no interest in a group effort. By 2005, many analysts, who have been appointed to work on joint projects indicated increased learning and a desire to work in a team again. Some analysts themselves have decided to work together. While Merrill was a long way, some analysts are skeptical. Managers also questioned whether all types of cooperation worth considerable effort required. Browning was to consider the issues involved, the feedback, and the industry itself and develop a strategy to move forward. "Hide
by Boris Groysberg, Ingrid Vargas Source: Harvard Business School 26 pages. Publication Date: December 16, 2005. Prod. #: 406081-PDF-ENG