Indiegogo Inc. Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Indiegogo Inc. Case Solution

Kickstater vs Indiegogo

Project Adjustment

First of all, Kick-starter has certain rules that you can be told to proceed, as employees will themselves  review whether you define follow with them or not. So there are four main rules you need to know to:

Not the projects (Firm must have something to share),

No assistance,

You must be a movable product (you must have a practical version),

Funds cannot be changed equally.

Initially, Kickstarter was only available in the US, and then expanded its operations to include. Currently, it is available in 23 countries: US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Netherlands, by knowing, we do not mean that foreign sponsors cannot support your drive. But that you, as the creator, need to be in one of those 23 countries.

Competitor Analysis (kickstarter)

Competitive Analysis

For running the successful crowd funding business, one must choose the correct and efficient crowd funding company. The person should do an in-depth research of the crowd company before contracting any project.

Now a days, competition has been increased in all the areas of field. One of the competitor that compete the Indiegogois “Kick starter”. Although both of these competitor are running pretty well in the world, but there are several differences that one should aware have before starting any project.

There are several other competitors that compete Indiegogo pretty well such as:

Kick starter

It is the largest and the most popular crowd funding platform. This platform helps the musicians, filmmakers, directors, designers and other creators that want to convert their dreams into reality.


It is the most modern and new organized platform. It is used for charitable purposes. It is the non-profitable organization used to raise and donate money all over the world.

Give forward

It is the premier platform for the individuals to get constant support. It helps the people by donating them or sending them the meals, items, or donating money for fund raiser.

Key Differentiation

Does not use for charitable purpose Use for charity purposes only Help through multiple ways such as wish lists, money, meals etc.


Flexible funding
Focus on creating and expanding with the world No campaign deadlines Individual aid Helpful for both profit and non-profit organization
Funding model Use for creation of event Broad uses

Competitive Analysis of Indiegogo with respect to SWOT Analysis

Crow funding platform Strength weakness Opportunities Threats
Kickstarter Reputation, activeness, easy to discover related projects, good project creation flow, easy accountant Non-charitable, 60 days’ time limit on project fundraising, All or nothing funding platform Selected for non-profitable and longer time span projects Many new players entering the market looking to take a cut of Kick starter’s market share
Crowdrise No time deadline, allow for charitable causes, transaction fee is less, simple No updates section, minimal storytelling, no extra perks Integrate and improve storytelling, search categories, partnership with non-profitable organization Competitors better utilize design trends and story connections
Give forward Low barrier, quick processes, no time limit, help through  multiple ways Narrow focus, All-or-nothing funding, stressing on individual person Improve design , hierarchy and searches for fundraising pages Doubt of customer on donating to the unknown causes
Indiegogo Flexible funding, charitable causes, easy campaign structure, simple project creation flow Reputation, mix quality projects Improve discovery and suggestions, improve share and capabilities, simplify update sections Competitors have carved out their niches within the crowd funding space


Funding Models

There are two funding models of fixed and flexible.

Fixed Model

Here the company does not charge any amount in the campaign. The company do not charge any fee here.

Flexible Model

Here the platform, charge the fee and there is extra charges in the campaigns. Indiegogo uses both model for funding flexible and fixed. Although there is no differentiation in both but the mostly campaigns are in flexible models.

Support Countries

The campaigns of Indiegogo is available in many countries like Sweden, UK, USA, China and many others. The available countries have direct access with the payments and support.

Payment partner

It had an access with the PayPal for the payment but now has a payment partner with strips. Strips is a speedy payment partner where you can easily transfer payment for anything. But the drawback of strips is that it limited and restricted in some aspects according to other fintech applications.

Marketing & Promotion

The marketing & promotion techniques of Indiegogo has quite different features according to its competitors.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is the standard tool for the Indiegogo when it takes it for the campaign setup. It has an integration with the analytics built in some areas it’s not efficient in the working that’s why there is lack of customers’ support. On the contrary, its competitor has an efficient integrated system which results in customers’ equity and preference.

Google AdWords Tracking

It is considered for the advertisements and promotion activities. Google AdWords is used for tracking the advertisements. Indiegogo lets the customers to add their tracking code but its competitors do not. This creates the easiness for customer to track his/her id.

Facebook Pixel

However, Facebook is the largest platform where you can easily have an access of crowd funding. Indiegogo allows the pixels of Facebook but its competitors. Indiegogo has a competitive advantage in its industry because of having access of social media platform and that creates the customers’ preferences towards Indiegogo.

Tracking Links

Within the past years Indiegogo has a platform for tracking links where the customer can track his/her link within the dashboard of platform. This marketing technique has created the extra perk for the Indiegogo.

Promotional Opportunities

Indiegogo has 2 major promotional opportunities. it offers two opportunities; newsletter and placement, homepage placement. These promotional efforts from Indiegogo can create a lot of sales – more likely in the higher ranking.

Information of Product

At Indiegogo, you are allowed to make unique products while making your profits. Supporters are able to choose different product preferences as they go through the exit process. On the contrary, the competitor pf Indiegogo does not allow to make your own product. That’s why the Indiegogo has good market capitalization and customer choice.

Post Campaign Funding

In Indiegogo, your campaign can be converted to an In Demand campaign where the duration of the campaign and financial objectives no longer work - it actually turns your Indiegogo page into a previous order page for your product.

At Kick starter, there is no element of funding after the campaign. Instead, kick starter lets you add a button at the top of your Kick starter page called Spotlight. It is recommended that you launch the Indiegogo in Demand campaign as soon as your Kick starter campaign ends and direct your Kick starter Spotlight to your In Demand campaign. It is important to note that In Demand raises their revenue from 5% to 8% if your campaign comes from Kick starter as a way to inspire you to present Indiegogo.........................

Indiegogo Inc. Case Solution

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