Agricultural commodities frequently are defined by two aspects, viz., seasonality, and shelf life of the produce. Further, in nations for example India there are considerable public policy measurements (governmental regulation on pricing and marketplaces etc.) that critically affect production, distribution, and marketing of several agricultural commodities. Also, unlike their counterpart in production, agricultural commodity supply chains commonly are not well-organized in such states. This case has been set under these conditions and it deals chiefly with the issue of advertising of tea. In addition to the above mentioned problems pertaining to advertising of agricultural commodities, tea presents unique challenges arising out of numerous varieties/ranks.
Owing to several of these facets understanding the factors that determine profitability of a business engaged in advertising, production, procurement and brand creation of tea makes an interesting study for a student of management. The case therefore provides a multidimensional view of improving the profitability and points to various options in the control of the management to deal with the same problem. The case may be used in the core marketing class, possibly, as a capstone case toward the end to emphasize the interrelationships among different elements of advertising. The case may also be used in other lessons to illustrate the usage of Internet as a primary marketing channel as well as to introduce challenges of managing cooperatives, usage of auction as the procurement mechanism.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about SALES & MARKETING