Harvey will be jumping on his road bike and started pedaling to Old La Honda Road, the famous steep and windy street in Portola Valley, California. As the ascent became more difficult, Harvey, co-founder and CEO of IMVU, the company that developed the 3D-avatar-based instant messaging, began to think in three term sheets that lay on his desk in the office. He and co-founder Eric Ries was a decision within the week of who, in partnership with the current round of financing IMVU. Harvey Rice took an unusual approach to the growth of their launch. While a typical early stage technology company delayed time to market before the product was improved, IMVU sold his chat customer service right now, even if it was incomplete, error-ridden, and conducted beta label. IMVU team development, made a permanent change in the application on the basis of consumer feedback captured through e-mail, surveys, and online chat forums. Within eight months of launch of the beta version of the product, and Harvey Rice believes that they clearly understand the many features of their desired "earlyvangelists". IMVU strategy produced fairly rapid growth of revenues (on a small scale) to attract bids from several Sand Hill Road venture capital firms, as well as a large strategic buyer. However, each potential partner had a different view of how to build the company into the future. Harvey Rice weighing whether they should continue to adhere to the methodology that allowed them to get off the ground or IMVU shift gears in pursuit of a more aggressive expansion. This decision was the first step in choosing a source of capital in line with the best corporate strategy and goals. "Hide
by Andrew Rachleff, Bethany Coates Source: Stanford Graduate School of Business 14 pages. Publication Date: March 26, 2007. Prod. #: E254-PDF-ENG