Ilona Chan More than Meets the Eye (A) Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


            Though Di Guo Group of companies needs to be sort of various issues and problems for the sake of business expansion at global level. As the company requires a change in the organizational culture, some of the alternatives for the Di Guo Group to achieve the objectives are as follows:

  • Encourage the employees
  • Address Team Problems
  • Promote Training and Development

 Encourage the Employees

            The company needs to motivate the employees keeping in mind the goals and vision of the organization. The more it motivates the employees, the better it becomes for the entire organization. Di Guo higher level management should make the friendly working environment within the organization. The DI Group needs to engage the employees in various activities regarding decision making or it should take feedback from them while announcing new policies and procedures in the workplace. The company should realize the significance of employee motivation since the better the productive workforce, the higher is a company’s standards in the long term. Before organizing a motivational strategy, the Di Guo Group needs to understand the employee motives and the factors that bring positive change in the organization as per employee’s perspective.

Address Team Problems

            Management of the Di Guo Group has to identify the issues and problems regarding the employees. There should be more teams in the group to sort out the issues and suggest possible solutions for employees. Apart from the employees, there should be proper interaction and communication between different teams in the company. The better the teams coordinate with each other, the more beneficial it is from the company’s perspective. Team leaders and managers should play a vital role in order to implement required changes in the organization. They should identify the problems among the teams and able to resolve by taking corrective actions to evade the most critical performance failures.

Promote Training and Development

            Training and development is a significant function of human resource management, associated with organizational activity and it raises the performance standards of employees in the organization. Training and development also recognized as “human resource development” and learning and development. It includes three main functions, training, education and development. Training refers to improving the existing level of performance of an individual and education aims to provide better opportunities (that may arise in the future) to the individual for learning and development. Development function emphasis upon the actions that the firm engaging the employee, or an individual participating in the future for the organization's success.


            For Di Guo Group, “employee motivation” is an essential factor in order to achieve the success in the long run and in the expansion of the business as well. Di Guo should organize the policies and programs that motivate the employees in the form of incentives, benefits, compensation and benefits, etc. These programs are the easiest methods of motivating the workforce. It is not necessary that every program based on monetary will benefit, DI Guo should also consider other factors apart from this as well; such as job satisfaction, favorable working environment, health, insurance policy, EOBI, gratuity etc. The leaders and managers also need to encourage the subordinates via word of mouth as well to ensure highest performance standards. At Di Guo Group, every leader or managers should appreciate the deserving employees on a consistent basis for the sake of the organization.

Employers should provide direct feedback to the employees via face to face communication because this will motivate the employees in a significant way and they will perform more than their standards and capabilities. Employees should be encouraged for constructive criticism and feedback to address problems at work place in a dignified manner.    Di Guo should consider the significance of employee motivation because it is a vital factor to increase the productivity both as employee and organizational perspective. Both the leaders and managers should take also take part in the process of employee motivation for the betterment of the Di Guo Group...................................

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