Explores the problems and difficulties of IDD connection when a policy asymmetry between the two regions / countries and underlines the importance of the relationship of decisions. Cites unilateral sharp increase in connection charges for China Telecom in November 2002. Describes the reaction of IDD operators in Hong Kong and the regulatory authority. Looks at Hong Kong Telecom - monopoly - the era when technical innovators have found a way to offer new services that undercut or bypass monopolistic arrangements. This kind of innovation and entrepreneurship possible, however, only when there is a liberal measures on the foreign side chain. Defines a system failure interest rates. The results provide a practical framework for policy discussions to merge solutions. "Hide
by Pun-Lee Lam, Alexandra Yiu, Ka-Fu Wong Source: University of Hong Kong, 18 pages. Publication Date: July 22, 2004. Prod. #: HKU338-PDF-ENG