In 1999, IBM India became a fully owned subsidiary of IBM Corporation and created a presence in 14 cities all over the United States. Authentic to its incorporated philosophy of corporate citizenship, as the parent company enlarged business operations around the world to increase markets, it rolled out citizenship initiatives in those markets. In the year 2011, IBM International Foundation awarded a grant of US$100,000 to IBM India for Smarter Villages, an India-specific project whose goal was to bring rural Indian villages to technological par with the cities by establishing supply chains and bringing in micro-financing and other services to develop opportunities for an increased in farmer incomes.
IBM India management hoped that, if successful, the project may be embedded in the organizational fabric of the global firm and therefore would reveal its own leadership that was accountable. The question was whether it could be possible inspire volunteerism among the business’s young workforce and to inculcate a spirit of stakeholder participation.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about LEADERSHIP & MANAGING PEOPLE