I phone case ethical solution Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

I phone case ethical solution Case Study Solution

Alternative 2:

This alternative will allow CIA to access all the necessary information regarding the terrorist and its resources. This option will also protect the privacy of their customers by just providing a limited access of terrorist’s phone to CIA which could also help the CIA to collect the necessary information.

Alternative 3:

The third alternative is to modify the IOS in a way that attempt to unlock the I Phone would not result in the removal of data. The software IOS is developed with the configuration that if someone try to unlock the I Phone the data will be erased automatically by the software.

Analysis of Best Alternative:

The best alternative is alternative 2 which is providing one time access to CIA officials of terrorist’s I Phone. This will also protect the privacy of other I Phone customers and will also provide the necessary information to the CIA officials in investigating the terrorist activity. Moreover, this step will further allow Apple Incorporation to help CIA in future regarding security matters.

Recommendation of the Best Alternative:

The best alternative recommended in the light of the customer privacy and company’s policies is to provide one time access to CIA officials of the terrorist’s I Phone. This action will not harm the customer’s trust on the company and also builds government confidence about the company that the company is supporting government in eliminating terrorism. Moreover, this course of action by the company will ensure its existing customer that company is serious about their customer privacy and will not allow any forces to breach it which will attract more customer for Apple incorporation in future.

Action and implementation Plan:

Apple Incorporation should attempt to disseminate the information of terrorist’s I Phone which is under the custody of CIA. In their response to federal court order they should make it clear through their lawyers that they are willing to provide access only to the terrorist’s I Phone which could help the CIA to complete their investigation. Apple Incorporation should also assures that if any terrorist activity occurs in the future, they will help the government by providing information from terrorist’s phone only which will ensure the privacy of their customers and also resolve their dispute with the US government by assisting them in gathering data for investigation……..


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