HR 500 Plus Scanner case is considered, as in 2000, the company Eastman Kodak faced a sharp change in technology (from traditional to digital photography), which undermines the revenue and profit from double digits in their core business film, paper and chemicals. Matt Giorgio, product manager in the world for scanners, push the top management to extend the life of the film to give money to a painful and less profitable transition to digital photography. With limited public research and development (R & D) and the dictates of the Director General for flawless execution, George and his team are taking an aggressive approach to the development, less than a year, a scanner, which can both prevent erosion of the film and to minimize the impact of the Programme for corporate R & D. Lack of purpose team of nine months could cost him his job and leave the company vulnerable to further erosion of film, paper, and chemical sales. "Hide
by Donald Pillittere Source: Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation 6 pages. Publication Date: January 24, 2012. Prod. #: W11629-PDF-ENG