Much lip service is given now to "values-based decision making," with the implication the underlying values are "great" values, inhabiting high moral ground. But the truth is that all decisions-- whether highly ethical unethical or anyplace in between--are values-based. That's, a conclusion necessarily entails an explicit or implied trade off of worth. Value and the values represented in a particular conclusion are always difficult to identify, nevertheless, and the shortcuts that individuals regularly choose in decision making can make more profound investigation of values all the more difficult. This article presents a framework designed to explore the values implicit in decisions. Moving methodically from concrete results to higher-ordered values, the framework, embodied in a decision-mapping technique, helps the decision maker think through what's given up as a result of a decision and what exactly is gained.
It moves a more balanced view of positive and negative impacts, also encourages an expansion of choice alternatives, and provides insight into the dynamics of decision making. Each of these possibilities reveals issues that senior managers must account for directly in addressing moral decision making in their organizations. Illustrating the framework through a case study based on actual events, the article aims to help managers build a culture that incorporates the values of the organization into staff members' conclusions.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about LEADERSHIP & MANAGING PEOPLE