Managing a company enterprise on a global scale brings a level of sophistication that is practically impossible to manage using a plain straight line, top-down hierarchy. A matrix provides an alternative -- yet it's tricky to handle. In a matrix organization, senior managers have overlapping responsibilities, frequently replying to two supervisors: one with a remit to get a certain region, another to get a business group or product family, with solid-line and dotted line reporting relationships.
Based on the authors' encounters of matrix organizations, they identify five keys to successful matrix management: a strong and positive corporate culture; the ideal men and women in the proper places; clear roles and duties in choice procedures; shared performance measures and wages; and incredible communications. This article examines each of those keys, stressing all five must work if they've been to enable the smooth functioning. As the globalization of markets continues the significance of matrix management is only going to intensify, demanding that leaders devote the time plus effort necessary to create the matrix work and embrace the right mind-set.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about STRATEGY & EXECUTION