What job does standing play in a R&D worker's decision whether or not to share knowledge with a coworker? The authors surveyed more than 200 scientists in 63 different pharmaceutical companies to examine this question. The authors' findings indicate that, even among R&D workers in the same company, info is not always shared . Rather, a possible knowledge source's evaluation of a knowledge seeker's standing influenced whether or not advice was offered.
The authors found that various variables affect scientists' assessment of a coworker's reputation. Not surprisingly, the duration of two parties' previous interaction was positively related to the odds of present knowledge sharing occurring between them. Additionally, closeness affected how absolutely reputations were perceived. But if the person seeking advice was indebted to the possible knowledge source, knowledge sharing was less likely to occur. Additionally, the study found that scientists are more likely to share information with a colleague in exactly the same company if the knowhow is exceptional and critical to executing a job.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about LEADERSHIP & MANAGING PEOPLE