Almost all executives want more and faster information, and almost all companies rushing to provide. The fact that many of them overlooking the fact that the real goal should not be faster information but faster decision making, and it's not the same thing. Managers tend to ask for more information than they can use, and often the cycle of decision-making, not the speed of information flow, the bottleneck. Although it is important to determine what information is needed, it is as important to deliver it at the right time. Types of information needed most quickly are not static and can depend on a variety of factors, including whether the current state of the economy growing or contracting. The best time cycle for certain types of information can vary widely in the industry, but in general the high frequencies requested for a rival news, sales and customer service news. Based on responses to their surveys and interviews of leaders and managers, the authors provide advice and guidance to enable IT organizations to deliver information more quickly and flexibly. This requires a change in both human and technical capacities, but these changes can make all the difference in how the right information in order to prevent a crisis. "Hide
by Thomas H. Davenport, Jim Snabe Source: MIT Sloan Management Review 8 pages. Publication Date: April 1, 2011. Prod. #: SMR383-PDF-ENG