Hospital Software Solutions (A) Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Hospital Software Solutions (A) Case Study Help

The time-hall meeting will help MacLachlan to represent her concerns and issue to the HSS’s president. He is a nice man and adheres to take prompt actions in order to improve the company’s efficiency. MacLachlan could discuss the improved workflow process in this meeting. In addition to this, Chow and Worthington, her immediate bosses, will not attend this meeting because this meeting is mainly designed for non-management staff, which could work in MacLachlan’s favor as she would be able to discuss her entire ordeal without any interference.


In the time-hall meeting, it would become very difficult for MacLachlan to addresses her concerns in front of all the employees. In addition to this, it is very difficult for MacLachlan to raise her voice or get a chance to briefly explain her improved workflow processes in the meeting.

Alternative Solution: 2- (Talk with Worthington and Chow)

Another proposed alternative option for MacLachlan’s is to discuss her concerns with Chow and Worthington. All the issues wereconcerned form Chow and Worthington, and had occurred because of misunderstanding and miscommunication. Thus, it is better to approach them in order to explain her viewpoint and concerns.


It is better to talk with Chow and Worthington because they are managers and should be informed about the work done by the employee. If she communicates directly with her bosses, the things could be cleared, and Chow would understand that MacLachlan alone was not responsible for the issues being created.


Since all the issues are related to Chow and Worthington, it is better to address with these issues with them. Otherwise this would generate more misunderstanding and the communication gap would exaggerate the problems. MacLachlan would not be able to acquire proper guidance or any appraisal for the work done by her.

Alternative Solution: 3- (Eliminating Communication Gap)

Another option could be to formulate such a workflow process that could effectively eliminate the communication gap between the management and staff. The individualistic culture of the organization should be eliminated in order to provide proper guidance and assistance to the employees, and the management should discuss the created issues properly with the employees.


The communication gap could be removed by implementingan effective workflow process, which offers an improved workflow process. The individualistic culture of the organization will beeliminated. The workers could freely approach the upper management in order to get effective feedback and performance appraisal. The workers will become more devoted and appreciated, because of timely feedback.


This approach requires more time and efforts from the upper management. The lengthy workflow procedures and approval from the upper management would be very time consuming. The employees would be reluctant to clearly address their findings or issues because of the prevailing workplace environment.


All the proposed alternative solutions have been evaluated with the help of their associated pros and cons, thus, it is recommended that MacLachlan should attend the town-hall meeting in order to communicate her issues and improved workflow process techniques with the HSS’s president(İ Yüksel, M Dagdeviren , 2007). This option is more viable than the rest of the options, because it would enable MacLachlan to generate more effective professional relationship with her president, and she would be able to learn more leadership skills from him. In addition to this, the president is a nice man, who takes prompt actions in order to improve the company’s efficacy.


It is concluded that HSS has an excellent financial prospect for the future development.  On 1st July 2005, MacLachlan joined HSS as the customer care team lead manager. After joining as the customer care team lead manager from July 2005, she faced numerous challenges because of her being inexperienced and new to this field. The mismanagement and communication gap between the managers and employees was the main factor that affected MacLachlan’s performance. It is recommended that MacLachlan should attend town-hall meeting in order to communicate her issues and improve the workflow process techniques with the HSS’s president. In addition to this, Chow and Worthington will not attend this meeting, which would work in MacLachlan’s favor..............................


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