In 2000, the Hong Kong government introduced Assessment Language Benchmark for all teachers in Hong Kong. As part of the education reform, the government wanted all teachers to take tests to prove they are qualified enough to teach. Pressure to upgrade English raised feathers and drew sharp criticism from the union of a 75,000-strong professional teacher. Provides research on why the government has introduced a test of critical issues in the implementation of the test, and how the government manages the results of the first test. Presents issues such as the validity of the test, which tests have shown, and what was decided in the administration of the test. Also is the question of whether the test is used to select and / or set of goals. "Hide
by Gilbert Wong, Marissa McCauley Source: University of Hong Kong, 12 pages. Publication Date: June 6, 2003. Prod. #: HKU261-PDF-ENG