Innovation is the key to success in the history of Honda Motor Group (Honda). In July 2007, the Research and Development of Guangzhou Honda Ltd. (GHRD) was created. It was the first international company to develop auto R & D facilities with technological capabilities to produce a completely new car from scratch. While Japan's Honda Motor will provide technological support to the core technology will be owned exclusively Guangzhou Honda. This mechanism is different from the traditional R & D in the management of Honda, which, despite the existence of R & D centers around the world, is used to maintain its core technology in its R & D center in Japan. This case illustrates the motives, new opportunities and challenges behind the innovative business model. "Hide
by Ali Farhoomand, Minyi Huang, Ricky Lai Source: University of Hong Kong, 21 pages. Publication Date: January 19, 2010. Prod. #: HKU887-PDF-ENG