President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of soles Holi - a developer, manufacturer and distributor of injection molding shoes - an optimistic and upbeat. Sales rose 300 percent in each of the past two years, she finished fourth in the 2006 edition of Canada leading emerging growth companies, as well as General Manager she was a finalist in the 2007 Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award. Maintaining the momentum that has built since the company was bought in 2004 is proving to be a challenge. Rapid growth opportunities stretching Holey soles in all areas: financing, exploration, development of new markets, maintaining high quality, expanding the product portfolio and talent management. The Director-General is interesting that the available options, priorities and next steps will be to continue to build a solid foundation for growth, and to achieve its aggressive goal of $ 40 million in sales in 2009. "Hide
by Jean-Louis Schaan, Huanglin Wang Source: Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation 19 pages. Publication Date: August 26, 2009. Prod. #: 909M57-PDF-ENG