The case focuses on a joint venture between Honda Motor Company (HMC) and Japan Hero Group, a conglomerate of Indian companies, owned by Munjal family.
solution" width="288" height="288" /> hmc case solutionHero is the largest manufacturer of bicycles in the world, and in that time has dabbled in motorized two-wheeler market with its riders. HMC entered into a 50/50 alliance with Hero production of motorcycles for the Indian market. Anticipated, design and technology transfer duties while the hero was responsible for production and marketing. Enterprise is very well until the extension of the contract, when the hero felt that HMC was slowing down his transfer. The agreement has been extended for another ten years, after long negotiations. As well as the relationship was better, HMC announced the creation of a subsidiary in India to manufacture scooters. She announced that a subsidiary company will be the motorcycle market in 2004. It grew out of a split between Honda and its Indian partner in the venture, which has been producing scooters. After the release of the company, HMC wanted to do it alone. This has caused serious concerns for the characters, from the entry HMC, at the motorcycle market would threaten its existence. The case closes with a myriad of issues facing the hero, and a basis for the study of alternative routes, which the hero can take control of their future. .
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by Kannan Ramaswamy Source: Thunderbird School of Global Management 17 pages. Publication Date: July 3, 2003. Prod. #: TB0145-PDF-ENG