Heather Evans Case Study Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Part I

Heather is an entrepreneur and use some of the strategies in order to initiate its business successfully. However, she is in shortage of financing. Some of the strategies used by heather are as below:

  • Cost effective Strategy: despite of hiring lot of people to establish different departments, she is hiring limited people such as only an assistant designer and making it cost effective to keep it to minimum.
  • Hiring selective people: heather is not hiring anyone who is interested, but she is hiring selective people who are trustworthy. Despite of need of an employee in company, the main priority of Heathen is to hire selective and true people who would help him to establish successful people.
  • Using her skills: Heather is using all her skill such as designing as she experienced during modeling, as well as business skills to establish successful business.
  • Wise Investment: the investment decisions are made wisely by Heather. As it is new business and people are not aware about the new brand, she chose the location which would be easily visible to the customers.

Heather has been analyzed as an intelligent and wise business entrepreneur who would establish her business base on these cost effective and important decisions. However, some of theimportant strategies have been ignored by Heather. These are:

  • Financing strategy: financing of the company and its operations have not been decided yet.
  • Balance between Debt and Equity Financing: Heather has been trying to finance its project by using equity only. However, debt and equity financing should be balanced in order to facilitate every advantage of both types of financing
  • Partnership Strategy: Heathen has not been taking help of any co-founder and thus, no partnership strategy. There should be some focus towards this strategy.
Heather Evans Case Study Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Question 2

Part II

Heather is intending to open a business in which he would target businesswomen for their formal dresses. Being an entrepreneur, she had designed a business plan. Moreover, to analyze business opportunity, we have to evaluate competitors. As it has been mentioned in the business plan that there is no such competition in thespecific target market except Liz Claiborne who claim less than 3% of the market and sales up to $155 million in a year.

In order to make further business opportunity evaluation, risk should also be assessed. However, no risk except financing at start have been discussed in the business plan. However, financing issue can be solved by using different alternatives. Moreover, company had not taken any debt that would threat the business. Therefore, no any important risk have been identified.

To analyze the business plan, the business plan is divided into different parts such as concept of the business, market analysis, management and operations to be performed by the company and financial projections of the company. The business concept defies the product in detail, how it will be produced along with the characteristic of its products and difference of Heather Evansfrom its competitors. It also discusses the availability of her products I different market such as specialty stores and departmental stores. This part also contains introduction of Heather and her experiences which would be helpful to build brand images and cater different models………………………..

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