Healthymagination at GE Healthcare Systems Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Jeff Immelt, CEO of GE, has introduced a new innovative strategy called "Healthymagination" in spring 2009. With the cost, quality and access as the three pillars, Healthymagination provides a strong focus on new product introduction efforts all around GE. But will this focus allows GE to achieve and maintain market leadership in the healthcare market, which is currently suffering from the strong currents, including pricing pressures, changes in the model of chronic disease, and streamline buyer behavior? In addition, health care costs are also increasing in developing countries, which could provide a powerful engine for growth in the future. Tom Gentile, CEO of GE Healthcare Systems (GEHS), a key player in medical imaging, is wondering how innovative strategies can respond to these changes.

GE has historically been a technology leader, selling the most advanced equipment in different settings. Will complete the transition to a GE Healthymagination will demonstrate strong organic growth through innovation, and Immelt instructed executives in GE?
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by Vineet Kumar, V. Kasturi Rangan Source: Harvard Business School 23 pages. Publication Date: November 1, 2011. Prod. #: 512039-PDF-ENG

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