In addition to spas, theme parks, beaches, palm, health tourism is becoming an increasingly important source of income in the tourist destinations in Asia. Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and India have identified health tourism as one of the fastest growing segments of the tourism in their respective markets and begin aggressive marketing plans for the next few years. The target markets are clients from developed countries, mainly from Europe, North America and Japan, with a crowded and expensive medical services at home. As part of a package of care, clients receive a bonus of rest and trips to exotic foreign country and culture. Provides an overview of the development of health tourism in some Asian countries. Stresses marketing efforts, working in different countries in the positioning of their services and the development of this promising market segment. Compare and contrast the respective roles of the public and private sectors and the issues and problems for other countries in their efforts to destination marketing. "Hide
by Bennett Yim, Phoebe Ho 13 pages. Publication Date: June 10, 2005. Prod. #: HKU406-PDF-ENG