In rural India, farmers have historically had limited access to high-quality production input for their fields and homes. Indian conglomerate DSCL spent Rural business initiatives to address this issue, the creation of a network of retail outlets throughout rural India aimed at farmers and their families. Due to its growing network of stores, DSCL is capable of establishing relationships with farmers and provide them with a range of agricultural services, including agricultural crop improvement, agronomic support, fuel, banking and consumer products. Outputs can also buy some of the products for farmers at harvest time. In the use of products and services offered in the stores, the farmers are able to improve the quality of their culture and access to useful resources in the network environment, which was once considered completely tangential to the benefits of agricultural research and technology gathered in other parts of the world. DSCL strategizes on how the company can also benefit from these newly forged relationships with millions of rural India. "Hide
by David E. Bell, Nitin Sanghavi Source: Harvard Business School 37 pages. Publication Date: November 15, 2007. Prod. #: 508012-PDF-ENG