In March 2005, Mark Schneider, CEO of Fresenius, considering the strategic and organizational future of the group. Decentralized 7 billion German group care is active in three different business units, with the largest, FMC AG, are listed separately from the parent Fresenius AG and represents the lion's share of the company's revenue and profits. Decentralized approach was to allow the group to grow regardless of units over the years, and proud of the Fresenius adaptive, entrepreneurial spirit. Schneider, however, doubts the decentralized approach will enable the group to continue to grow in a coordinated and cost-conscious fashion. How it should integrate entrepreneurship and profit-oriented culture of the company with any hidden interaction in an existing organization? Although, Fresenius looks healthy at this point, Schneider knows that the future of the company related to improved sales and profitability. "Hide
by Joel Podolny, Vincent Dessain, Monika Stachowiak, Anders Sjoman Source: Harvard Business School 28 pages. Publication Date: June 03, 2005. Prod. #: 405083-PDF-ENG