Growing the Mamas & Papas Brand Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Branding Pyramid

The branding pyramid is explained through five steps of a brand which reflects the brand loyalty of a consumer while describing the different features of a brand. The first step involves product features and attributes for Mama and Papa’s magazine. The product features include providing the general concepts about parenting and baby care for both parents involved. It involves the transference of the knowledge from the older generation to the new generation. The second step involves the tangible benefits of a product which includes the physical form of knowledge which could easily be available at a nearest retailer. Furthermore, the third step involves emotional benefits of a product which includes a similar strategy developed by the company regarding brand activation, in which the company aims to provide a consistent look and feel to the product.

Moreover, the fourth step includes the brand persona which highlights the attributes and human characteristics of the target market. These include parents and newly parents’ couple between the age group of 23 to 45, black diamond group which includes the black middle class women, and medical health institutions. The last step includes the brand idea which involves the essence of the brand. The brand essence for the particular product is related to the care of baby by not just focusing on mothers, but also focusing on fathers.

Recommended Strategies

In order to compete effectively in the market, the company shall review its brand positioning, and the target market for the company. The positioning of the brand for Mama and Papa’s magazine highlighted by the company is focused on providing all-in-one magazine for the targeting the readers and the non-readers. The company shall focus on developing a brand positioning which provides a family lifestyle magazine in creating awareness for the baby care. The company shall restrict the to a particular target segment which would allow the company to target a niche market instead of a broader and a wider group. The company aimed at providing information on careers, beauty, and lifestyle. These aspects of the magazine would restrict male customers to purchase the product as the magazine highlights higher information relevant to females than male groups.

Moreover, the company shall reduce the target marketing segment to a particular niche market. Currently, the target audience of the company includes customers with LCM of 6 and up, black diamond target market, parents and parents-to-be within the age group of 23 to 45 years, the black market which is considered as the prime market, whereas, white market which is referred to as secondary market. However, the company shall restrict to target a niche market which would include parents and parents-to-be from the age between 23 years to 45 years. This strategy would allow the company to remain focus on a single target market and to devise strategies which could make a huge impact. In 2010, the company had invested heavily on different media platforms from ATL, BTL to developing relationship through public relations.

The pricing strategy for the magazine product shall be revised as different products of competitors are providing similar features except for targeting the white market but at affordable prices. However, the company is bound to reduce the prices through providing promotional offers instead of price cutting by the company. The price cut would result in the negative publicity and a negative word of mouth activity against the company’s product. The price cut reflects that the product of the company is a failure as it has lowered its prices due to low sales. This strategy also creates a negative impression in a way that the consumer perceives that that the firm had been collecting huge profit margins if it could have sold the product at a similar price rate according to their competitors. Therefore, the company shall provide various promotions on its product offering to its related target market. These promotions would be related in terms of discounts and enticing customers in subscribing the magazine for half a price for annual registrations. These could also be in the form of providing extra benefit to consumers related to providing free antenatal classes along with the free play area for their children.

As the company has invested high budgets on different advertisement campaigns, for future strategies the company shall invest on reducing the cost and making less expense on broader advertisement mediums. The company shall form another service line related to the similar business idea which shall allow the company to provide babysitting services. These services would help the company in reaching their preferred target audience. The services of babysitting is mostly required by parents that have limited knowledge in taking care of their babies while it also reflects that their babies have a perfect age which is similar to the target market of the company...................................

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