Since 1970, the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area (MSP) ahead of the nation in job creation and income per capita. Diversified base of MSP in industrial clusters has allowed the region to adapt to the economic downturn and the outcome of major corporate headquarters, earning him an award "Minnesota Miracle." Beginning in 2003, however, MSP behind other U.S. job creation (see Appendix 1). Alarmed by business and community leaders united around a free-knit group, which meets every year project Itasca. In 2009, these leaders began Itasca jobs task force report in 2010 set in motion a number of measures to a group of managers and policy makers to reverse these trends by creating jobs in all sectors of the economy. In the autumn of 2011, but it was unclear whether these efforts will achieve results (see Figure 2), or long-term corrective action in education and training should take in the first place.
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by William W. George Source: Harvard Business School 5 pages. Publication Date: November 17, 2011. Prod. #: 412088-PDF-ENG