Founded in March 2000, at the height of the dot-com bubble, Global Healthcare Exchange (GHX) was one of 90 on-line markets in the healthcare industry. The founders of the company were one of the largest suppliers in the industry, including Johnson & Johnson, GE Medical, Abbot, Baxter, and Medtronic. Becton-Dickinson, Braun, Guidant, Tyco, Siemens, CR Bard, and other key suppliers joined shortly after the founding of the company. At the material time (spring 2003), GHX was the largest of the three remaining online health market and the property was expanded to include leading players in all parts of the value chain, including health professionals and managed care organizations. Group purchasing organizations, distributors and executives must address key strategic issues, including the integration of its latest merger, achieve profitability, the determination of fair pricing strategy and determining the rate of global expansion. "Hide
by Lynda M. Applegate, Jamie Ladge Source: Harvard Business School 39 pages. Publication Date: July 21, 2003. Prod. #: 804002-PDF-ENG