Global Brokerage Group of Hong Kong: Selecting a CEO (A) Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Which Candidate would you chose for the next CEO?Why?

            The most critical skills required for the new CEO of GBG were to improve the governance, risk management, efficient deployment of capital, devising strategies, action plans, motivating the professionals and working with the same mind set as of An son. The new CEO would also need to pursue skills, competencies and capabilities to make the IPO of the company successful which the company was to go for in 2013. Furthermore, An son wanted that the new CEO had the mindset of finding new opportunities and creating new revenue streams for the business. In addition, the new CEO needed to have team work qualities and excellent experience to capitalize on the business opportunities in China and devise stringent plans of actions.

            Looking at all of these requirements and the skills needed in the new CEO of GBG, the most suitable and the recommended candidate of all the six candidates is the current group CFO and the Head of the Health Management, John Chen. He had nearly 10 years of experience in business consultancy and audit. He had all the capabilities to manage change, which was always evident in the financial services industry in which GBG was operating. John had always focused upon ensuring that the group met all the SFC’s requirements such as reporting requirements, capital adequacy and the financial planning of the company. As the requirements of transparency and capital adequacy were becoming more important, therefore, John seems to be the most suitable candidate for the position of CEO of all the six candidates.

            Although An son had mixed feelings about John however, the most qualified candidate out of all was John, and such a candidate was the most required who had the highest know how about GBG and had strong interpersonal skills, which are possessed by John. Furthermore, An son’s view about John might be wrong as he was not sure. Lastly, it is more preferred to hire the new CEO from within the company as opposed to external hiring because of the know how of the business and the internal culture of GBG. Therefore, the most suitable candidate for the position of the CEO for GBG is John Chen......................

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