Giant Inc.: Formation of the A-Team Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Giant Inc.: Formation of the A-Team Case Solution

2.3 Coordinating Stage

The major companies Giant and Merida observed that they don’t have properly maintained teams and major issues were identified. The executive of one of the company said that we would not enjoy the competitive edge if we show such behaviour and hide the business know-how because of the fear of being imitated and adaption of advancement and innovative ideas in the business.

3. Competition Challenge

The main aspect which is focused in this case is about the competition challenge and taking the competitive edge. The invention of A-team was proposed to make the Taiwan industry grown and expand in the international market. But the other factor was to have the competitive edge in the industry. The early stage which is defined the learning stage where the one company learn from its rival and try to improve its operations and get the competitive advantage by making innovations, aesthetic design and lower price. The conflict stage shows that the companies were cautious about their operations and analysed that their rival can imitate and can compete in the market.

Intense competition is faced by every firm in its industry where it tries to go ahead of its rival industry. But the learning from your rival company can enable you to enhance your business operations and learn the innovative ideas which could be better from your competitor. Moreover, implementation of modern technology and innovative ideas can give the competitive edge to the company. The main purpose of making the A-team is to gain a competitive edge in the industry and also to expand the Taiwanese industry of bicycles.

4. Coordination Challenge

Another important aspect is discussed in the case regarding the coordination of challenges that the group of companies involve and get united to make harmony and achieve the goals of the company. The coordination stage in the A-team comprised when the executive of Giant analysed that to make its rival aware of its business operations and make it visit your plants so that it can also improve and enhance its business operations.

Coordination strategies and challenges make the companies to unite and develop better alternatives and make sound decisions for the company. It can enable the companies to work better and create harmony for each other. (Axel Volkery, 2004).Taking the benefit of competitive advantage is more enjoyable when the company has coordination with its competitors. This also helps the firms in increasing their market capitalization and expanding the industrial growth.

5. Analysis

As far as Taiwanese bicycle industry is concerned; it is the major exporter of bicycle in the world and the industry would grow when the overall companies would start working together and make possible aesthetically products, decrease the cost and attract bicycle for the consumers. The making of A-team is the best way to make the association of the companies and make the organization generate more publicity of bicycles all over the world.......................

Giant Inc. Formation of the A-Team Case Solution

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