Germany's Evolving Privatization Policies: The Plaschna Management KG Case Solution
The advancement of the German federal government's method to reborning East German business. 3 companies and their communications are evaluated: 1) the Treuhand, Germany's privatization company; 2) the Plaschna Monitoring KG, a personal company funded by the Treuhand and created to decrease the possible inadequacy of the state handled business, and last but not least, the VEMwhich was when a big Kombinat and is now the biggest organization handled by the Plaschna Management KG. Special focus is paid to the Plaschna Management KG, an organization created to address issues with state-owned enterprises by establishing exact tradeoffs between multiple objects and from actively intervening in management decision making by constraining the authorities.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about GLOBAL BUSINESS
PUBLICATION DATE: March 15, 1995