The consultant was requested by several clients for advice on how to manage the differences between the generations in the workplace. According to experts in the field of generational differences, generational divide is defined events and conditions that people are exposed to in their formative years. These experts believe that these common events and conditions, the ratio of the form of individuals who, in turn, influences their core beliefs and work values. Consultant, as well as many others, believed that the differences between the generations was overhyped in the literature. However, her client wanted answers, and she went in search of them, picking recruitment values.The data set contained over 1000 responses in four generations (Veterans, Boomers, Generation X, Gen Y). It also contains answers sufficient to address the question of whether there were three sub-boomer generation. "Hide
by Chris A. Higgins Source: Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation 4 pages. Publication Date: August 14, 2012. Prod. #: W12142-PDF-ENG