This case centers on the network expansion project of Gas Natural BAN to supply natural gas to five low-income neighborhood in suburban area of the Buenos Aires. It demonstrate how a business model evolve to serve low-income sector (henceforth, LIS) customers, and, more especially, it describes how the firm partnered with a local CSO, Fundación Pro Vivienda Social (Foundation for Social Housing, henceforth FPVS), and cultured just how to work with these communities in a job carried out in Moreno's Cuartel V. Starting with the endeavor carried out with the FPVS, the company had started to follow natural gas network growth jobs for LIS areas with a business approach that differed from the scheme used with traditional customers. At the juncture the firm must set the guidelines for its natural gas network growth strategy.
Gas Natural BAN's experience with FPVS viewed as successful by the firm, filed some inefficiencies that prevented its large scale application and led direction to search for new alternatives to pursue its LIS strategy. Because of this, its potential for optimization and the FPVS collaboration model were questioned. This teaching case deals primarily with the development of inclusive business models based on cross-sector cooperation involving companies, nonprofits and citizens. It may be used in Business Strategy including BOP problems, Corporate Social Responsibility or graduate courses on Business and Society.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about STRATEGY & EXECUTION