FREEMIUM PRICING AT Dropbox Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Question#1: How does Dropbox compare with other companies in the cloud storage market?


The cloud storage industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the market of backing up storage of their devices online. The numbers of growing profits clearly indicate the potential in the industry related to its growth and future expansion. The extreme competition amongst the industry is intense and the competitors are extremely competent.

Dropbox provides a remote-storage over the internet, which is also known as cloud storage. Through cloud storage, the users are able to store any type of file over the internet. The users can place their files over the internet into a folder and the files can later be accessed over the internet from any location(W Hu, T Yang & JN Matthews, 2010).

Dropbox has efficiently grown its operations; it has a huge number of users over the internet. The portfolio of cloud storage has immensely increased. Dropbox has an estimated number of 200 million users over the internet that is heavily using the cloud storage device. The huge numbers of users are saving more than a billion files daily on Dropbox. The heavy usage of the organization along with the support of its users is efficiently providing the company with an edge over its competitors.



The organization has a strong customer base. The huge number of users for the cloud storage enables the company in generating a higher number of revenues for its future operations. The company has a larger number of users for its cloud storage. The number of users for Dropbox is comparatively larger than its competitors.

Dropbox is comparatively easier to use as compared to its competitors. The convenience provided to the customers increases the level of attraction for the customers of the organization. This also adds up to the value delivery process of the organization and efficiently caters to the needs of the customer.

Dropbox allowsthe users in syncing the files with all of their devices and they can easily access their desired file from any location or device. The users can easily upload their files over the cloud storage and make their documents and files safe. The local disks are big as compared to its alternatives; the large size of the local disks enables the company in providing efficient service to its users.

The files of the users are safe and protected by the organization. The users upload different types of files on the folders available on Dropbox. The files of the users may be containing personal information regarding the user. The information might be of value to the users and they might not want anyone to see them. The level of security being provided by the organization is phenomenal and immensely adds up to the value being delivered by the company.

The offerings of the company are free of cost for the customers of the organization that are willing to make their files and documents safe over the internet. The company is not currently charging its users and it is providing the users with its remote-storage over the internet. Free access and usage of the cloud storage of the company provide the company with a large number of users for its offerings in the market.........................

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