In October 2011 Florian was pondering his next measure along with the trajectory his career should take. The circumstances at work was not fortunate. His place at Infraestructuras Brasilenas (IB), a state-owned aeronautical firm with foundation in Sao Paolo, was a guarantee of comfortable, secure employment. In January 2012, keen to grow professionally and seek out new test, Florian started an Executive MBA (EMBA) at a business school.
The EMBA was part time while continuing to work, and so could be done; some courses were at weekends, with more intensive sessions held over several weeks during holiday. Until Florian found himself virtually unoccupied much of the time from the moment he started the course, the manager, Rafael Oliveira of Florian, slowly reduced his workload. There were various options to be thought about. The first was to talk with his manager and get the situation back in order, which he thought would not be easy. Florian had his pride and knew he was not too good at managing battles. Given his style, rebuilding the relationship with Rafael would be difficult: "The damage is done. What is worse, I have lost reputation and aptitude in the eyes of my co-workers."The second choice was to try and move to an alternate job within the company.
This was more appealing, but Florian was concerned that his boss might have given the heads of other departments an unfavorable impression of the professional ability of Florian. The third option was to try to find a fresh job elsewhere. Despite his more than five years' experience and extensive industry knowledge, Florian was inclined to plump for this last choice, which may probably also mean going outside the aeronautical sector, in his present state of mind. The economical situation in Europe and the United States, which were the primary international markets of IB, also made this the most risky option. Florian begun to reflect on the events and circumstances that had led to the present situation and was worried he might be overlooking some significant detail.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about LEADERSHIP & MANAGING PEOPLE