Executive Memo Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Executive Memo Case Solution


The memo is based on the negotiation aspects of the new Director of Negotiations of the ABC Company. Here are some fundamentals discussion, which have taken place regarding the negotiation.

1. When to Walk Away from a Deal

The walk away simply defines when it is the right time to end the deal when there is nothing regarding your feasibility and management aspect. When the CEO makes acquisition with another other company;he; knows what to make a deal on and how to have efficient negotiations. The CEOs create the complete image in their mind regarding the profile and business community. They know what to buy, how to buy and at what price to buy. They must know what should be the walk away price and how to establish a sound decision making process. They know how to bargain and acquire with the best price. If that is not suitable so the negotiations must be ended and the CEO must walk away from the deal.

2. Emotion and the Art of Negotiation

However, the emotions must be used rationally, which is mainly called emotional intelligence. The emotions are the art of negotiations and they create the best or worst communication. The first and foremost thing is anxiety. If you practice and rehearse before the negotiation then you might negotiate confidently. Another aspect is control on anger, because it can make your negotiations worst or the opposite party may lose its trust on you.  The third is you must communicate effectively so that every question must be answered properly and do not close the meeting too early, because that may take you in regret ion. The last is excitement. Do not get much excited and do not act impatiently, because you can behave harshly and rashly in excitement. However, the emotions are the most important factor in the negotiation and emotional intelligence is the important factor while dealing and negotiating.

3. Nonverbal Communication in Negotiation

Negotiation is a technique to communicate the mutual benefits to the clients, in which we state that how and what strategies the negotiator should follow to gain a mutually beneficial condition in the market. It is advised that one should need to focus on the strategy and planning before communicating to the clients. On the other hand, it is very important to analyze the situations and then jump into the conversations. Before negotiation, it is important for the negotiator to measure the all expected situations and their results. Whereas, we cannot describe and mold things into our favor, because we need to show mutual benefits towards the customers and this will allow them to decide. Negotiation is a very important part while dealing with clients. Until and unless the negotiators  are not focused and cannot convince the other party; they cannot succeed.

4. Control the Negotiations Before it begins

Negotiation can be effective if one focuses on how to start the negotiation. It is stated that it is a talent that before negotiation it is important for the company to make arrangements and have sufficient leverage to break the deal and gain the desired advantages. This article states the four factors that affect the negotiation and can also guide that what are the factors that negotiator should follow before beginning the negotiation, making an offer, how to counteroffers, and effective bargaining tactics.

5. Negotiate in 3 Dimensions

Negotiation consists of an efficient communication between two or more parties. It must be three dimensional approach, mainly: tactics, deals design and setup should be described. It is done through face to face and effective communication where the possible questions are answered and the completeness is necessary. Negotiation creates the deal and sets up policies if done through 3 dimensions. Tactics are mostly the win-win strategy, which emphasize on the innovative solutions, valuable points and creates the pie bigger for the communication where the broader aspect is discussed. The deals’ design creates productive ways and focuses on new ideas. Specific techniques and general rules are used in the deal’sdesign. Deal set up ensures that right parties are present, right set-up are done and right discussion reconstructed the negotiating table......................


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