European Identity Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

European Identity Case Solution  

  • Thus, the maintenance of the distribution of wealth ensures the dilemma of favoring the new collective European ideology concept(Spearing, 1999).
  • Another means of allowing the community to respond to the expectation of the people of Europe is to adopt the measures with core consideration of improving and strengthening the identity as well as its image for both the citizens of Europe and the rest of the world.
  • Whereas in the paper “The Future of Nationalism”, Michael Mandelbrot stressed the role of the declining significance of the state and fatigue in handling of the divisive ideology of nationalism in the near future.
  • Additionally, he stressed the significance of having borders and the rules which are embraced by the world and Europe for deciding the location of the borders includes; the principle of national self-determination which tend to allow the people of the nation to choose its political status as well as determine its form of social, cultural as well as economic development.
  • The exercise of such a right or principle could result in several outcomes that range from political independence through to complete integration within the state. The principle also deals with the fact that every self-identified nation must have its state. Secondly, the principle that the existing borders must not be altered as they are sacrosanct(Mandelbrot, 1999).


The comparison of the two paper could be made on the common points of the high significance of the national identity and its advantages such as; economic development, good governance, physical security, support for the strong social safety net, trust among the citizens, and the economic development whereas these papers contradict to each other as Michael Mandelbrot stressed the significance of the phenomenon that the state must have the borders and rising conflicts over the borders over the decade.

On the other hand, Men-no Spearing discussed the significant ways of improving the national identity among the people of Europe and concluded that the European Union must adopt the measures in order to strengthen the national identity and image as well as promote the European awareness which could be done through increasing the exchange of experiences among young generation and improve the knowledge of member state and information on history and culture of Europe........................

European Identity Case Solution

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