Ethical Considerations related to Criminal Justice Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Criminal Justice System

Every society needs a system to ensure the safety of its residents. In order for the people to distinguish between right and wrong, there should be some pre-established set of rules and regulations in place. For the implementation of these regulations, there must be a well-organized police department and criminal justice courts to make sure people are abiding these rules. The judicial system operates as a group of institutions that work collectively to maintain and serve justice by punitive or rehabilitation action depending on the level of crime (Worrall, 2012).

For example, the criminal justice system of United States of America is distinctive from around the world because of its jury system that is seen to found nowhere. This feature strengthens the criminal justice system as the ultimate decision of a person being guilty or innocent does not depends on the perspective of one person. To convince a large number of people, the number of evidences must be strong and very persuasive in nature. The selection of the jurors is done very strictly and discretely from regular citizens to avoid any biasness. They only flaw of this jury system is in case of jurors becoming prejudice whether the defendant will get a fair trial or not.

In criminal justice system, the interpretation of laws and ethics are very closely related. Ethics can be defined as the set of unwritten rules and regulations prevailing in a society. Ethical conduct in any profession provides a guideline as to what is the right way to doing things according to the expected standard of behavior. Laws are universal in nature, whereas ethics are specific to particular group of people or place.

Ethical Considerations

It is unusual to think of ethical consequences related to judicial system itself, but this is an area that needs to be addressed. The lack of material dedicated to ethical issues in the criminology courses indicates that it is not considered important for the judicial system. Ethics act as the fundamental on which the judicial system is based as it helps to identify and defines what criminal activities are and what is the acceptable punishment for crimes.

The behavior and attitude of the police department with the citizen plays a vital role in coordination and communication between both the parties. If the department works ethically, the community’s trust increases in the system that helps fighting against the crime in the society. The improved coordination between these two will not only help identify the criminals but will also be effective in reducing the chances of prospective crimes.

The lawyers must put profession ethics before success and should act in the best interests of the public at large. Their duty is to represent their clients in the best possible way but not keeping justice at stake.

The court must take into account the rights of accused as they are custodians of the constitution. The court has to make sure that the accused is not being harassed and any of the amendments relating to the rights of the accused are not violated.

The correction centers should respect the rights of those convicted of crimes. A constructive environment should be maintained in such facilities to motivate the criminals to improve their behavior and aid them in becoming a better human being (Epstein, n.d).

Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice System and Relevant Solutions

To demonstrate the relationship of ethics and criminal justice system, following are some of the ethical problems that a professional has to face in the practical world. These issues incorporate problems in evaluating the use of authority, ways to deal with personal and professional conflicts and pitfalls related to any particular part of the judicial system:Ethical Considerations related to Criminal Justice Case Solution

Using Human Subjects in Judicial Experiments

The researches on the criminal judicial system nowadays involve human subjects very commonly. This makes the participants of the experiment very vulnerable both mentally and physically. The researchers possess information and authority over the participants that may indulge them in harmful situations. Absence of guidance relating to this issue leads to ethical dilemmas. This highlights the need of creating professional ethical codes in this regard to be followed to avoid such issues.

For example during 1940s, the researchers from United States National Institute of Health infected some prisoners, prostitutes and mental health patients with various sexually transmitted diseases in order to check the effectiveness of a medicine in the research phase (Jones, 2012)..............................

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