This case depicts institutional transitions in an emergent market shape the strategy and performance of its encompassing competitive dynamics and a small business. Elite Optical, a family-run business, was set up in the late 1980s, during the economic reforms in China in Nanning, Guanxi Province. Its first eyeglass shop, opened in 1986, received immediate success when the sole major challenger at the time was Heng De Li, a conventional state-owned enterprise (SOE).
With 15 visual retail outlets in Nanning city, the entrepreneurial family business was celebrating its 28th anniversary, in 2013. However, the competitive landscape in eyeglass business has changed and become more extreme since the early 2000s when more domestic and international players entered the local eyewear market. Cheng Zhi, Chairman and CEO of Elite Optical, is contemplating how to react to the threats that are competitive.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about INNOVATION & ENTREPRENEURSHIP