Next, with fresh ideas for new or existing products, services and processes is widely recognized as the key to a sound economic benefit and, as a result, employee creativity has taken center stage in discussions of innovation. But as the work is actively promoted and supported in the workplace? Drawing attention to the emotions employee is critical, say the authors. Organizations are the emotions of the medium, and at the time the study began testing the affective (ie emotional) effect on the number of workers of the results (including the problem of quality, productivity and efficiency), very little is known about how natural affective experiences in the flow our daily life, work related to creative thinking to work. The authors show that emotion system works is a cycle, resulting in the effect at any time can start dynamic increase or decrease in positive emotions and creativity.
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by Theresa M. Amabile, Sigal Barsade, Jennifer Muller, Barry M. Becoming Source: Rotman School of Management, 5 pages. Publication Date: 01 May 2006. Prod. #: ROT026-PDF-ENG