Think concerning the "emergent markets," and most people think of BRICs. The complicatedness with this approach is that it tends to treat developing markets as one uniform whole, when the precise opposite is true and is too simplistic. Instead of inquiring, "What is my emergent market strategy for Brazil, Russia, India or China?" businesses should ask themselves, "In which ways is this unique market emergent?" Seen this manner, they may be surprised by the response. The authors synthesize a decade of their research to clear up the confusion that abounds as to whether a market is or is not emerging. They first clarify which institutional mechanisms must be in place for the healthy operation of any market, so supervisors will probably be able to comprehend when these critical mechanisms are deficient or absent.
Publication Date: June 15, 2013 Product #: IIR100-HCB-ENG
This is just an excerpt. This case is about Strategy & Execution